Fallout 76 Update
Since the rocky beginning, it has been the biggest update of the Fallout 76. In the PC gaming history, the launch of Fallout 76 was one of the worst launches. However, the biggest update has appeared this week, lead by its appearance of the Steam. Also, it looks like the changes have really gone down well; in fact, now it will get a mostly positive rating.
This won’t normally be so remarkable, but the Fallout 76 hasn’t engendered exactly a lot of positively since the Bethesda pushed the game out of the door, perhaps a little bit earlier and back in November 2018. Because of its bug, the game has been criticized heavily. You can check out the review of this game for a reminder of what the game was like at the beginning.
Players and Reviews
The game is still pretty buggy, and the business model is still confusing, but after the update, things are looking like a real game. The Wastelanders update is essentially a gigantic expansion, which has brought West Virginian wasteland back to its life by fulfilling it with the NPCs, some competing factions as well as more objectives and missions. All these are the addition to the quality improvements.
The critics of the game were waiting when it was first launched on the Steam. The game was bombarded with negative reviews. The reviews have come from those players who have spent an hour on the Steam version; even some have spent less than that. But, there were a lot of criticisms that focused on design decisions and issues.
However, in some communities, the reviews were positive. The Fallout 76 subreddit was specifically appreciative when it is about the update. Actually, it didn’t take a long time for those fans to begin adding their own reviews.