Earlier of this year, the Respawn Entertainment had captivated the fans of the Apex Legends just before launching Season 4. They have announced an upgraded Legend called Forge, who was immediately killed by Revenant, the new Legend.
It is a really surprising and dramatic way to introduce the legendary sinister character Revenant. Now, Respawn has disclosed that it was not trying to amuse the public with bait and switch. Instead, it was trying to deceive the data-miners.
Jason McCord, the Design Director of Respawn, in an interview, disclosed that the Forge forgery was the plan of the designer Rayme Vinson. After the leaking of the character Revenant by the data-miners, Rayme Vinson was seeking to misguide them. Data-miners leaked the character of Revenant before Season 4, which ruined the surprise of Respawn. There are a lot of new items and things you will find in the Apex Legends Season 4.
McCord said that they had leaked the fake concept purposefully, so there would be a trail by the time they had announced the character Revenant. That was very insane. He couldn’t think of other games which had gone through that kind of hijinks.
Their tricks worked nicely, as it distracted the fans and data-miners who started to believe that Forge is going to be the following addition of Apex Legend. The entire setup was so convincing that even after the death, some players thought that he could return in the game. McCord tricked and stated that Forge is super dead.
Data-miners always keep leaking the information of Apex Legends, though the developer told the players that the data-miners don’t provide an authentic source. Instead, the developers ask the public to wait for the Respawn about their announcement. McCoy, in his twitter account, tweeted that the leaks are actually fake and ruin a lot of time and energy of the general people.