The other day, Capcom introduced the gameplay trailer for Project Resistance, an asymmetric multiplayer shooter for Resident Evil, and now the company shared the details of the project and talked about the tasks of the players and the possibilities of Mastermind.
We already know that Project Resistance is an asymmetric 4v1 shooter in which a team of four characters controlled by players must defeat the Mastermind player. But now Capcom has clarified exactly what the mission team’s mission is, and also clarified what Mastermind is capable of.
The task of the survivors sounds simple: together they will need to break out of the confinement before the timer runs out – for this, they have to perform “tasks in the style of puzzles.” The developers emphasize that to solve these “puzzles”, players will need to carefully coordinate actions and use the unique abilities of their characters.
The mastermind player must stop them: for this, he uses a “strategic deck of cards” in which each card represents a certain action or obstacle in the path of the survivors. For example, Mastermind can place trap commands in the path or release various monsters into some location.
Mastermind should always try to be one step ahead of the survivors and plan its actions ahead: for this, it can monitor the team of players through surveillance cameras and select the most suitable time and place for the attack. We knew all this before, but here is what Capcom talked about just now: Mastermind can not only launch monsters on players but, if desired, can also control them.
Capcom emphasizes separately that this means that in Project Resistance Resident Evil fans for the first time in franchise history will be able to try on the role of the mighty Tyrant and become not a victim, but a hunter. Recall that Project Resistance will be released on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
The release date for the asymmetric team shooter has not yet been disclosed, but in October Capcom will conduct a closed beta test Project Resistance on PS4 – you can apply for participation until September 19. However, for this, you first need to become an ambassador for Resident Evil, and then register for a beta test.