Coronavirus updates and US death tolls
Coronavirus updates in the USA show that the death tolls of the USA from the novel COVID-19 increased, which is a hope that these worst days of the outbreak could soon be overcome.
On Monday, it has been a month since the moment the US President Donald Trump announced the coronavirus as a national emergency. At that time, there were less than 2000 confirmed cases of infection throughout the nation. Till now, the country has faced around 22,000 deaths, which is more than any other country. Along with this, the number of confirmed case is approximately 550,000. The entire professional sports league in the USA has aborted its operations. 42 states in the United States of America have issued the order of staying home. In addition to this, most of the state and national parks have been shut down, along with the airline operations.
Will Trump reopen the nation?
However, the President of USA, Donald Trump, is planning to declare a new task force, which will concentrate on the plans either to increase the duration of this lockdown or to reopen the nation.
On Sunday, according to the coronavirus updates reports, the death toll of the US was approximately 1,557. The number got down from 1,877 on Saturday, and over 2,000 on Friday. Worldwide, there are more than 114,000 deaths and 1.85 million COVID-19 infected cases.
The outbreak of coronavirus is now playing out as immediate officials throughout the nation. Many people have predicted a transmission disease, hospitals as well as physicians forced to select which infected patients would receive the life-sustaining care, and which one would die due to the lack of proper medical equipment. The real cause is that the mad race for the ventilators and for gloves, masks and some PPE (Personal Protection Equipment).