On Wednesday, the Chief of the Stadia Games and Entertainment, Jade Raymond, had announced that Google is broadening its private game development efforts with a newer studio named Stadia Game Team that is located in the Playa Vista neighbourhood in Los Angeles. The group will be committed to produce real titles for cloud gaming service. Also, it will be guided by Shannon Studstill, who is a longtime studio head. Formerly, Shannon was the chief of the cherished Santa Monica Studio, which developed the marvelous game “God of War” franchise for Sony.
In a statement, Raymond said that the new Playa Vista Studio will concentrate on developing lot of exclusive games through utilizing modern gameplay mechanics, unique and creative ways to play in a group and some fascinating interaction models that they were beginning to analyze.
Raymond also said that they weren’t ready to share specific game plans but were listening to what the gamers generally want. They were also adding their own Stadia game team twists to build up newer IP and experiences.
Studstill is now guiding one of those two separate studios under the banner of Stadia Games and Entertainment. The other one is located in Montreal, though Google hasn’t disclosed publicly who is in charge of the studio right now. It makes sense for Google to establish a shop in both Canada and California. Both of them are in game developing hubs with the LA being home to innumerable studios, which also include bigger names such as Blizzard Entertainment. Furthermore, Montreal being a Canadian nexus for the international groups includes bigger publishers like Warner Bros and Ubisoft.
Stadia was first launched last November but still has not taken the gaming industry. Instead, the game selection has still remained smaller. However, Google has to open all the doors to the designed free tier of the Stadia game team yet, which, theoretically, would make that more handy.
So, it is clear that Google is looking forward to making the platform even more attractive, and one way to do that is to start exclusive games, apparently the titles.