The European Union has always on the watch for technology. The tech advancement could possibly steer the evolution in a positive stride. There are instances where the European Union (EU) appreciates technology and flexible plans to put them into use.
Even if a technology is coming into use, the EU digs into all parallel roads to make sure that the technology, when put into use, does not affect the day to day living of the humankind. With such great innovative methods to put technologies for better use the EU recently hit loggerheads with a trending technology under development, Face Recognition.
The EU recently hit some stones on the way with regard to the face recognition technology used in surveillance and security.
Many members of the European Union resorted to face recognition technology to flag off possible threats in the public.
The working of the technology includes where CCTV cameras scan the facial features of the people in public places and run the scanner as facial features with rap sheets and a possible match is sent to a nearby police officer.
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As an effective method as it seems, many people in the elite community feel very strongly that it is a breach of one’s own privacy. They feel that their privacy invades as a version of the technology to scan the data of the scanned face with records. This result to reveal certain pieces of information of the person under scrutiny. This certainly will seem to be a problem for the EU unless and until they create a protocol on the basis of which the data should be used. With a lot of aggravated feedback popping over the days, it is definitely going to be a rock road uphill.
The EU has strongly recommended the officials to put a buffer to the use of such technology. Their recent action plan is to pin up a ban on the use of such technology. This period of Ban help the European Union to prepare proper laws and protocols. This intend to follow when such technologies are put to use at a large-scale. However, the EU is planning to lay exceptions to the ban for ongoing developments in the technology. This leads to the continuous growth and development in the same.
The facial recognition technology is definitely a good way to curb criminals. But the problem is with a wide-spread application, sensitive data of innocent people that can heavily unguardes leading to many more crimes. And that is why the EU plans on implementing a ban on the use of such technology until proper rules are in place with regard to usage of such technology.
The move from the EU accelerates because of unauthorizations of facial recognition technology. This is facilitating more crimes to happen.